At The Lawrence Times, we believe that community journalism is not just about providing traditional news coverage — it’s also about providing information that the people of this community need in order to live and thrive as informed citizens.
We are working to create collections of resources that we hope will be helpful to our readers in Lawrence and Douglas County, and perhaps even beyond.
The posts below are part of that effort, and this page aims to curate our most helpful articles in one place. It’s our “News you can use.”
Please be aware that some of these posts may have “shelf lives,” meaning they may pertain to limited-time sources of help. Even so, the posts that appear here should also contain information and links to resources that can be helpful anytime.


Free meals in Lawrence
Listings of free meals available in Lawrence by day of the week, time, and location.

Protection orders can now be sought online anywhere in Kansas
A new web portal will allow those in need to file for protection orders in any Kansas county online. The goal, in part, is to expand access for those who might not be able to get to a courthouse in person to file paperwork.

How to submit letters to the Times
Letters to The Lawrence Times are welcome and encouraged. Here’s how to send one.

Lawrence police call logs
The Lawrence Times receives a 24-hour log of calls to the Lawrence Police Department each day around 1 p.m.