We at The Lawrence Times are excited to share that we have been publishing for six months today.
We will spare you most of our mushy feelings and simply say thank you so much to the thousands of members of the Lawrence community and beyond who have made this venture not only possible and successful, but rewarding, fulfilling, and worth every moment.
We are very excited to introduce our newest feature: The Lawrence Times community calendar, which you can find online at lawrencekstimes.com/events.
Before we launched, many of you told us that a massive community calendar that could encompass all the events in town would be a big benefit. We agree. There are lots of local calendars available, but we’re really hoping to curate an online one that will include as many different types of events as possible.
We initially partnered with The Lawrence Juice to get started with that. We’ve now amicably parted ways, and the Juice folks have launched their own website. They’re their own publication, and we fully support them. What they’re doing with their *free* print publication is a huge benefit to this town. Make sure you pick up the next freshly squeezed print copy coming out this Sunday, and please continue to support them.
In addition to listing some events that we aren’t, The Juice is reaching folks in a way that we’re not able to. However, we also hope to help fill a gap: Unless events are planned and submitted two or three weeks ahead of time, they might not make it into the printed Juice. Our event submission form is instant, and we anticipate that we’ll be able to review and publish submitted events within 24 hours most of the time — though please bear with us, especially as we’re getting this off the ground.
We got a pretty good start on the calendar to show you what it can do, just by grabbing events that have been emailed to us or that popped up with a little digging on Facebook. But we know there’s a LOT of stuff out there that we didn’t get yet. As we do at the Times, we’re going to rely on this community to make it as awesome as we know this can and will be. Guidelines and answers to many questions can be found here.
Please know we’re not trying to play favorites — we tried to grab a little bit of everything we could to get started, but we haven’t gone looking for events from venues or specific organizations, other than a few public institutions. If you’re an event organizer or you’re responsible for a venue that holds events en masse, please reach out so we can figure out the most efficient way to get your events on our calendar, rather than submitting them one at a time.
Please go check it out!
More updates:
We recently tidied up our Support & subscribe page to jump straight into the many ways you can help support the Times (even without spending a dime).
We’ve made it six months and we’re growing all the time. The more community support we have, the faster we can grow.
We hope that will be enough to help convince some who haven’t yet to please, please subscribe to The Lawrence Times if you are able.
We also just revamped our Listings page, so now those who want to list jobs with us can simply fill out a form and submit it. We’ll bill you. We want to streamline that process to make it as easy for potential employers as possible — and by extension, as easy as possible for our jobseeking readers to find work.
Coming soon:
• We’re finally going to publish a real staff page ASAP, so keep an eye out for that!
• City election, round 2: Just less than two months until the Lawrence City Commission and Lawrence school board general elections. We’ll be your one-stop shop to become an informed voter. (Check out our coverage of the primary here.)
• Oh, who knows? We just have so many new ideas, every single day.
Thank you, sincerely, for your support.
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Mackenzie Clark (she/her), reporter/founder of The Lawrence Times, can be reached at mclark@lawrencekstimes.com. Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.