Update, 11 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11: Find corrected data in this article.
The Lawrence school district shared breakdowns of three cost-cutting options during a meeting Wednesday evening — but some of the data was inaccurate, according to a news release Thursday evening.
District administrators are reviewing changes that need to be made, spokesperson Julie Boyle said via email.
Members of various Lawrence school district committees met Wednesday to conduct an equity impact analysis of various cost-cutting proposals amid the district’s multimillion-dollar budget shortfall. School closures remained on the table in two options, and significant reductions to staffing and programs in all scenarios would help fill the shortfall.
“When calculations in the line item list of budget-saving proposals were combined into Options 1-3, some of the estimated savings and impacts on staffing were double-counted,” Boyle’s email said. “In addition, in the master list of budget proposals, each individual item did not include an estimate of the impact on staff Full-Time Equivalency (FTE). After the boundary scenarios were run, the domino-effect they had on each of the line items became clear so data recalculations can be made.”
The administration thanks staff members who were involved in the analysis for bringing the issue to their attention, the email said.
“The district is committed to using complete and accurate data. Once calculations are complete and the data is verified, updated information will be sent to all participants in the equity analysis and shared publicly,” Boyle continued. “The district sincerely apologizes that materials distributed Wednesday included incomplete data.”
The Times will republish the breakdown of the options when updated data becomes available.
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