Kansas organizations will present two educational events this Sunday, July 10, in hopes of spreading awareness around voting rights and laws.
Vote No Kansas will be at 3 p.m. at Arizona Trading Company, 736 Massachusetts St. Loud Light and the ACLU of Kansas are teaming up to host a Zoom event at 7 p.m.
Vote No Kansas, a Lawrence-based organization led by Melinda Lavon and Jasmine Bates, is dedicated to encouraging Kansans to vote “no” to the constitutional amendment on the Aug. 2 primary ballot that would allow legislators to enact a statewide abortion ban. Lavon, who is Vote No Kansas’ chairperson and a certified professional midwife, will lead a discussion on why the upcoming election is important and how to help.
Loud Light is a Kansas organization committed to increasing youth voter turnout and empowering young people, especially those who are underrepresented, to participate more in civics.
Loud Light will partner with the ACLU of Kansas in a “Know Your Voting Rights” online training to combat voter suppression and keep people updated on recent election laws ahead of the Aug. 2 primary.
Those interested in attending the “Know Your Rights Training” webinar should register using this link. Voter Education with Melinda does not require registration.
Are you ready to vote?
The next election is Tuesday, Aug. 2. You must be registered to vote by Tuesday, July 12.
You can quickly make sure you’re registered and request a mail ballot by visiting KSVotes.org.
* We are not election workers *
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Maya Hodison (she/her), equity reporter, can be reached at mhodison@lawrencekstimes.com. Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.
More coverage: August 2 Election