County Road 458 reopens after sinkhole filled; will close again for asphalt repair

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Following an abrupt closure when a sinkhole was discovered Saturday evening, County Road 458 has reopened to traffic, according to a tweet from Douglas County Tuesday afternoon.


According to a tweet from the sheriff’s office Saturday night, the sinkhole appeared to be about 6 feet deep and about 4 feet wide in the middle of the road.

The sinkhole was on the westbound ramp to County Road 458 (aka North 1200 Road) from U.S. 59 Highway (south of Iowa Street). The opening was about 1 foot wide as of late Saturday, according to the tweet.

Workers with the Kansas Department of Transportation filled and stabilized the area to fully reopen the road Tuesday, turn lane included, according to the county.

KDOT will close the area again when workers return to cover the spot with asphalt, according to Tuesday’s tweet.

“That’s tentatively planned for next week. Thanks to everyone for their patience,” the tweet said.

Molly Adams / Lawrence Times A sinkhole opened on County Road 458 (North 1200 Road), pictured Saturday, Aug. 6, 2022. It appeared deceptively small on the surface, but it was deep.

The red pin on the map below indicates the intersection where the sinkhole opened up.

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