Support local farmers this gift-shopping season at the Holiday Farmers Market — Under the Pavilion.
Although the Lawrence Farmers Market’s regular season is now closed for the winter, more than 40 vendors are coming back to give the community one more chance to shop their locally made products. It will feature a range of locally produced meat, wine, flowers, baked goods, body care products, holiday-themed crafts and more.
The Holiday Farmers Market is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 9 at the open pavilion at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 1930 Harper St.
“This is our biggest event of the year,” Emily Lysen, director of development at the Lawrence Farmers Market, said via email. “It draws in around 12,000 people, and many vendors expand their booths to have two, three, or even four stalls.”
Vendors include popular local businesses such as Anthony’s Beehive, Juniper Hill Farms, KANbucha, Liquid Garden Juice, Moon on the Meadow Farm, Repetition Coffee, Wild Ivy Herb Farm and many more.
Only vendor members from the Farmers Market’s regular season are allowed. Lysen said this builds trust with customers because the quality of the products are already vetted: the organizers already know these farms and kitchens well.
The Holiday Farmers Market doesn’t just benefit customers; it’s also a lifeline for some of these small businesses.
“This event helps our agriculture vendors to survive the winter while the farmers market is closed,” Lysen said. “This event is a significant economic support system for these businesses to be able to pay their bills and keep bringing high-quality, local food to you every April when we open up again.”
While people browse the booths at the Holiday Farmers Market, they can also enjoy a variety of performances. The event will offer hands-on activities for kids, performances from groups such as the Lawrence Children’s Choir and more.
“We have created a little Winter Wonderland in the back southside with crafts for kids, Santa, a tractor display, and entertainment,” Lysen said.
The event’s organizers have also focused on accessibility and weatherization efforts to keep attendees comfortable during the market. Wide aisles at the venue allow for easy, accessible shopping for all, and Lysen says her team will create wind blocks along the exposed west side and add more warming stations “to keep everyone warm and cheerful during the market.”
Stay up-to-date with the Holiday Farmers Market by visiting its page on the Lawrence Farmers Market website, via, and the Facebook event page.
Visit this link and click the green bookmark icon to add this event to your Google, Apple, Outlook or other calendar.
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Jordan Winter (she/her), a contributor to The Lawrence Times since August 2021, is a 2019 KU grad with degrees in journalism and political science.
Check out her work at See more of her work for the Times here.
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