During special meeting, Lawrence school board to consider approving 2024-25 classroom capacities

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During a special meeting Tuesday, the Lawrence school board will consider approving classroom ratios and enrollment capacities for the 2024-25 year based on projected enrollment at each school.

Superintendent Anthony Lewis this year is recommending a student-to-teacher ratio of 24 to 1 for elementary school classrooms; 21 or 22 to 1 for middle school classrooms; and 24 to 1 for high school classrooms. Middle schools will need some flexibility to account for additional teacher planning time and the STEAM school, according to the agenda for the special meeting that was announced Tuesday morning.

On or before May 1 annually, the superintendent must determine for each grade level in each school:
• “capacity based on the study conducted by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee;  
• the number of students expected to attend school in the school district; and 
• the number of open seats available to nonresidents at each grade, building, or program level,” according to the agenda.

Board members are then asked to approve those items and modify their policy on enrollment of nonresident students.

Schools with no open seats available for next year, if the board approves the recommended capacities, include Cordley, Deerfield, Langston Hughes, New York, Schwegler and Sunset Hill elementary schools in addition to West and Southwest middle schools. Other schools may have varied openings, depending on grade level.

Enrollment projections and additional information for discussion Tuesday are included on the meeting agenda item on BoardDocs.

The meeting will conclude with a 15-minute executive session, or closed-door meeting, to discuss personnel matters. The board, Lewis, Kristen Ryan and Ron May will be present, and no action is set to follow.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 30 at district offices, 110 McDonald Drive.

Meetings are open to the public, livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel, youtube.com/@USD497, and broadcast on Midco channel 26. Full meeting agendas are available on BoardDocs, via go.boarddocs.com.

District spokesperson Julie Boyle on Tuesday confirmed the meeting will be livestreamed. There will be no public comment.

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Maya Hodison (she/her), equity reporter, can be reached at mhodison@lawrencekstimes.com. Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.

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With dry weather across the state, the winter mushroom, the puffball, is fully mature and dried out, looking a little like a biscuit on the ground (left). Step on it (right) and you’ll see the “puff” of spores.


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