Party, silent disco in Lawrence to celebrate local ‘artist-adventurers’ and their open space projects

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A party complete with a silent disco in Lawrence will soon celebrate seven “artist-adventurer teams” who created original works documenting adventures in Douglas County’s open lands.

The Outdoors Unscripted Launch Party is set for 6:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7 at Cider Gallery, 810 Pennsylvania St. in East Lawrence.

Grant recipients will give presentations about their works during a free portion of the launch party. There will also be a cash bar.

Then there will be a silent disco “for an eco-friendly dance party like you’ve never heard before,” according to a news release from event organizers.

Awardees of the Showcasing Open Space through Accessible Adventure grants are as follows:

Alicia Kelly and Kali Deno, “785:Correspondence of Light and Dark”
Katie Winter, Megan Embers and Sarah Anjali Kurien, “field notes: grief(case)”
Jeremy Shellhorn, “Making Space: A Flâneur’s Place-Based Paper Collages”
Raven Naramore, Katrina McClure, and Mishea Obiji, “Wild Foods Adventure”
Megan Kaminski, “Listening to Prairie: Conspiring with Plants”
Marlo Angell and Peter Jasso, “The AgriCulture Film Tour”
Natalya Lowther and Emily Hartford, “Three Circles, Four Seasons: Collaborative Calendar Creation”

“Throughout the summer, the artist-adventurer teams have drawn inspiration from Douglas County’s natural landscape at sites that include Clinton Lake, the Pat Dawson-Billings Nature Area, Aikins Prairie, and Bunker Hill,” according to the release. “Some of the teams have also explored the county’s agri-tourism destinations at Pinwheel Farm and three additional Douglas County farms.”

Read more about each of the projects at this link.

The grants of $1,500 to $2,000 for each project come from the Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council’s one-time open space grants, which were made possible through an allocation of federal COVID-19 relief funds. Coneflower Consulting also received Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded Stories for All project at KU’s Hall Center for the Humanities to support the awards, according to the release.

Learn more and reserve your silent disco headset at this link. Headsets are $25 for one pair, $30 for two pairs. Kids under 12 get headsets for free.

The Outdoors Unscripted party will kick off a series of events to celebrate the projects. A three-day festival is planned for September 2025.

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