Post updated at 9:58 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8:
The Lawrence school board on Monday will hold two interviews with firms as part of the board’s search for a permanent superintendent.
Following the consent agenda, which lists a few items, the board will conduct a 15-minute executive session, or closed-door meeting.
Board members are set to “discuss matters which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship under KOMA (the Kansas Open Meetings Act)” with Deputy Superintendent Larry Englebrick, Executive Director of Human Resources Kristen Ryan and district legal counsel Brad Finkeldei, with no action to be taken as a result.
The meeting agenda then lists an interview with McPherson & Jacobson LLC as part of the superintendent search. McPherson & Jacobson is a Nebraska-based firm that offers services to school districts and boards, one service being superintendent searches.
Then, following a 15-minute break, the agenda lists an interview of Kansas Association of School Boards for the superintendent search.
Board President Kelly Jones previously said KASB could assist the district in its search for an interim superintendent by searching for qualified outside candidates, with no additional charge because of the district’s standing membership.
District spokesperson Julie Boyle did not respond by the time of publication Friday to an email asking whether the interviews Monday will take place in front of the public or during executive sessions, if KASB is being considered a search firm candidate or for its assistance with the search as part of the district’s membership costs, or if there are other search firms the board is currently considering.
In an email after this article was published, Boyle said that five search firms had responded to the district’s request for proposals.
“These two finalists were selected to be interviewed by the board Monday night in public session. It will be up to the board whether they choose to hire one Monday night,” Boyle said.
Board members voted on Aug. 12 to hire Interim Superintendent Jeanice Swift to fill the position vacated by former Superintendent Anthony Lewis. She is contracted to serve in her position through the 2024-25 school year.
According to a tentative timeline the board is working with, the hired firm and an ad hoc committee will collaborate through March to find the permanent superintendent, who will begin next year, 2025-26.
No documents were attached to the interviews listed on the agenda as of Friday afternoon.
In September 2017, during the last search for a permanent superintendent, the board approved a contract with Ray & Associates not to exceed $30,000, according to meeting minutes. Board member Shannon Kimball previously said that firm had facilitated public meetings that allowed community members to reflect on final candidates.
The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11 at district offices, 110 McDonald Drive.
Meetings are open to the public, livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel,, and broadcast on Midco channel 26. Full meeting agendas are available on BoardDocs, via
To give public comment during the board meeting, sign up before the meeting starts either in person or by emailing Commenters may request to participate by Webex video/phone conferencing.
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Maya Hodison (she/her), equity reporter, can be reached at Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.
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