Lawrence Memorial Hospital wants to alert the community about a phone scam in which callers are posing as health care providers and asking people for personal information.
Scammers are using technology to make their calls appear to come from phone numbers associated with the hospital, asking for insurance information and more.
LMH uses phone calls, texts and emails to communicate with patients, and patients may also receive billing-related calls from Assistency.
But if you receive a message or call that’s suspicious, “hang up and call the clinic directly,” according to a news release from the hospital.
“Our teams will verify your name and date of birth, and we should know enough detail that the call isn’t coming from out of the woods,” Michael Williams, LMH Health’s chief information officer, said in the release. “You should also be able to ask questions of us too.”
For calls from Assistency, “You should be able to question them and verify they have the right bill. They should be able to verify the dates you were seen,” Williams said in the release.
Read more about common scams and how to protect yourself in this article.
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