Latest in Lawrence Life
Sunset Hill librarian reflects on evolution of ‘dream job’ as budget cuts threaten its future
Fallon Farokhi strives to spark a love of learning for nearly 400 Sunset Hill students. With librarian positions facing possible cuts, it’s a tough time for her to imagine not doing her dream job in her dream district.
Photos: ‘Indigenous Space’ exhibit opens at Edgar Heap of Birds Family Gallery
Community members gathered Saturday for an event celebrating the opening of “Indigenous Space,” the inaugural exhibition of the Edgar Heap of Birds Family Gallery inside Chalmers Hall at KU.
Native American art gallery named for artist Heap of Birds to open with ‘Indigenous Space’ exhibit
Chalmers Hall on the KU campus is now home to a brand-new gallery dedicated to Indigenous excellence in the visual arts.
The Care Center, marking its 50th year, sees increase in need for survivor services
The Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center, now in its 50th year, is dedicated to furthering its legacy by dismantling rape culture — especially after seeing a record-breaking number of clients in 2021.
Lawrence artist crafts custom-made songs and illustrations for Valentine’s Day, other occasions
A lifelong musician, Katlyn Conroy feels compelled to make music. At 33, she’s built her life around singing and songwriting. And she’s composed more than 300 songs for special events such as anniversaries, birthdays, and Valentine’s Day.
Open house allows Old West Lawrence residents to voice concerns, discuss future of neighborhood traffic program
Neighbors shared observations and concerns Tuesday evening during a virtual open house to discuss a pilot traffic program that has caused some division among Old West Lawrence residents.
Lawrence’s Sister Cities program connects community with Japan, Germany, Greece
Since 1986, Lawrence’s Sister Cities program has planted the seed for marriages between Lawrencians and residents in Eutin, Germany; brought our quilting community closer to the one in Hiratsuka, Japan; and even helped KU Theatre collaborate on a Greek tragedy performed in the ancient open-air theatre of Iniades, Greece.
Lawrence community members rally in support of schools at board meeting
Lawrence community members rallied at school district offices Monday in support of their neighborhood schools, and the board got to hear from some very young public commenters.
Kaw Valley Almanac for Jan. 24-30, 2022
Please consider supplementing the shrinking food and water supplies with a birdseed feeder and some water for the next month or so. This is typically the hardest time of the year for many birds — give them a hand!
Signs of support for Lawrence schools pop up around town
A tight timeline for the Lawrence school board to make decisions about whether to close schools seems to have lit a fire under many community members who are coming together to “#SaveOurSchools497.”
Lawrence’s high school debate teams compete at State, reflect on season
Lawrence high school debate teams recently competed at the State tournament, completing the season and another year of remote competitions.
JD Woods caps off his college football career, commits to NFL dreams
Star football player and community organizer Ja’Darius “JD” Woods, 24, moved to Lawrence when he was 10 years old and quickly dove into the youth sports scene. He’s shattered records and earned a multitude of honors since, but he hasn’t limited his influence to the football field.
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