Lawrence school board to hear administrative comparison study
Lawrence school board members on Monday will hear a report comparing USD 497’s administrative structures and salaries to comparable and nearby school districts.
Lawrence school board members on Monday will hear a report comparing USD 497’s administrative structures and salaries to comparable and nearby school districts.
Lawrence school board members on Monday asked building leaders and administrators to provide them with a long list of potential budget cuts, prioritized by those least harmful to students, so they can make final decisions at their March 28 meeting.
The Lawrence school board is set for a special meeting on Monday to discuss cost-cutting proposals as the district faces a budget shortfall estimated between $3.2 and $3.85 million.
Lawrence school district staff members have their work cut out for them: Don’t close any schools, and find $7 million in budget cuts that won’t impact students on a daily basis.
The Lawrence school board’s Monday meeting will begin with a 90-minute work session on the budget, then proceed to a regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
The Save Our Schools 497 group has hosted community meetings and rallies with more to come soon. But these efforts are just the top layer of organizers’ work, and the enthusiasm shown in these demonstrations is a veneer on top of deep concerns for many families.
Lawrence school board President Erica Hill has called a special meeting of the board to discuss cost-cutting proposals, which could include school closures.
The Lawrence school board will have a special meeting Monday for four consecutive closed-door sessions, the district announced Friday.
A Lawrence school district spokesperson said she was unsure whether any staff members had completed the first step to seek COVID relief funds that Douglas County has available by the Monday afternoon deadline.
As of Friday, where do Lawrence school board members stand on school closure proposals?
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