Community members are invited to get to know seven local farms on Saturday during the second annual Douglas County Spring Farm Day.
The farms on the self-guided tour, which is a spring edition of the Kaw Valley Farm Tour, include a variety of specialties: fresh veggies, plants for your garden, handmade crafts and workshops, livestock, food and drink, and much more.
Farms include Pendleton’s Country Market, Vinland Valley Nursery, Dragonfly Farm, WhiteTail Run Winery, Lone Pine Farm, Tuckel Farms and Little Hawk Farm, which is home to a small herd of Pygora and Cashmere goats, Bluefaced Leicester sheep, French Angora rabbits, a flock of chickens and more.
Read more about each farm’s story and see them on a map at this link.
The tour is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 6. Tickets are $5 per carload, available at this link. You’ll receive a receipt via email; show it at the first farm you visit to pick up your brochure.
The 18th annual Kaw Valley Farm Tour is set for later this year. It will include 30-plus locations. Mark your calendars for Oct. 7 and 8.
Follow the Kaw Valley Farm Tour Facebook page for updates and sneak peeks.
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