Republican Mike Stieben, currently a Leavenworth County commissioner, is running to represent parts of Eudora and eastern Lawrence included in Kansas House District 42.
Stieben will face incumbent Republican Lance Neelly in the Tuesday, Aug. 6 primary election. Neelly did not respond to this questionnaire. Stieben shared his views on unfunded mandates, property taxes, issues with current representation and more.
Candidates were given eight days to respond to these questions, and we sent two follow-up reminders to emphasize that taking the time to fill this out will help show our readers — thousands of their constituents in Lawrence and Douglas County, and anywhere else this news may travel — that they matter.
We asked all candidates in races in which there are primary elections to participate, even if they don’t face a primary opponent, to allow our readers to start getting to know the whole field well before November. Democrat Eddy Martinez will face the primary winner in the Nov. 5 general election. He did not respond to this questionnaire. We will have further coverage ahead of the November election.
We did not give candidates a word count limit but advised them to keep answers concise. Stieben’s answers appear below verbatim.
Will this race be on my ballot? Check which legislative districts you’re in at
Early voting began Wednesday, July 17. Voters can request a ballot to vote early by mail through Tuesday, July 30 at See this article for key info on how to cast your ballot.
Look for more coverage and candidate questionnaires still to come at
Jump to a topic:
• Meet the candidate
• Experience and qualifications
• Top 3 issues
• Legalizing cannabis
• Expanding Medicaid
• Public funds to private schools
• Local control
• Abortion regulations
• LGBTQ+ rights and transgender kids
• Top concerns heard from voters
• Question for opponents
• Free space
• Just for fun
This district

District 42 is pictured in orange in this map.
Outside of Douglas County’s boundaries, District 42 is tall and spans parts of Jefferson and Leavenworth counties.
Within Douglas County, it includes Eudora north of Kansas Highway 10 and some parts of the far eastern side of Lawrence, plus parts of Grant and Wakarusa townships.
See a map of the full district at this link.
Meet the candidate
Mike Stieben

Age: 56
Running as: Republican
Hometown, and time in Douglas County (or in your current town, for candidates who reside outside of Douglas County)?
I grew up in Newton, Kansas and have lived in Tonganoxie/ Leavenworth County since 1999.
Where you currently reside: Rural Tonganoxie
Day job: Locomotive Engineer BNSF Railroad 28 years and currently, Leavenworth County Commissioner 5 years and currently, Realtor Platinum Realty 6 years and currently.
How voters can reach you:, 913-775-2772
About you and your positions
A * indicates an answer was required to submit this questionnaire.
Q: What specific experience and qualifications do you possess that make you the best candidate for the seat you’re seeking?*
I am currently a Leavenworth County Commissioner and this local government experience has given me many insights into how state and local government interact. I have seen firsthand the impact of unfunded mandates, bureaucracy run amok on the state level, and unresponsive state government. The lack of progress on the proposed cap on property taxes is one example. The current Representative has not been helpful in moving that legislation forward. Another example was our efforts to abate property taxes on outbuildings that were destroyed after the Linwood tornado that impacted Douglas and Leavenworth counties. Unfortunately it took multiple visits to Topeka and testimonials by members of the public and Commissioners and other elected officials to finally see this legislation pass the legislature and it took three years.
Q: Please list the top three issues motivating you to run for this office. What concrete ideas do you have to make a difference on each issue if you are elected? Please be as specific as possible.*
Property taxes, responsive representation, and the current Representatives handling of the Easton landfill issue.
Q: Would you support legalizing cannabis in Kansas?*
Options given: Yes, for any use (medicinal, recreational, etc.); Yes, for medicinal use; No
Q: Would you support expansion of Medicaid in Kansas?*
(Only yes/no options given)
Q: Would you support initiatives to spend more public money on private schools, such as through vouchers, charter schools, tax credits and so forth?*
(Only yes/no options given)
Q: Please elaborate on any of your answers to the yes/no questions above if you’d like to.
#1 I could support a narrow medical cannabis bill that does not create a network of dispensaries in Kansas but only allows distribution in pharmacies by with prescription by a medical doctor indicating that he has determined cannabis treatment to be the best option for an individual patient and guarding against recreational use.
#2 My concern with Medicaid expansion is that monies that could help the disabled will be transferred to helping abled bodied individuals. I would be open to legislation to aid our rural hospitals. Any legislation to expand Medicaid must have prohibitions on the use of funds to pay for abortions.
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Q: Please share your views on local control. Do you believe the Legislature should seek to enact state laws that affect municipalities’ ability to self-govern? If so, in what circumstances? If not, how will you stand up for local control?*
Context given to candidates: The Lawrence City Commission in 2022 stripped some protections of immigrants from local ordinances in response to changes in state laws.
The city in 2023 passed a safe haven ordinance to create additional protections for transgender people in response to anti-trans legislation (SB 180 in particular).
The city also approved a ban on single-use plastic bags, which legislators attempted to nullify with a new law that was vetoed this year.
My basic position as a Leavenworth County Commissioner is to support local control by local officials. Home Rule is the template for maintaining local control. I do not agree with the direction the city of Lawrence has taken on several of those issues but we must be careful in making sweeping state legislation enactments because they obviously impact the entire state of Kansas.
Q: Kansas voters in August 2022 soundly rejected a constitutional amendment that would have opened the door to extreme restrictions on abortion. Still, the Legislature has passed or attempted to pass more laws regulating abortion. Please share your stance on what actions the Legislature should or should not take regarding abortion.*
I am opposed to using abortion as a method of birth control, I believe we need strong health and safety standards in the clinics, I believe our young people need to be protected from predators by strong parental involvement laws and that parents should be required to escort out of state minors coming into Kansas for abortions.
Q: In recent years, the Legislature has increasingly passed or attempted to pass legislation that could have potential negative outcomes for LGBTQ+ people. Please explain your stance on the rights of LGBTQ+ people — particularly transgender kids — and what the Legislature’s role in their lives and health care should be.*
I believe all people should be treated fairly and with respect. Schools should not be expected to upend all gender norms in society to cater to individuals outside those norms. The religious views of parents should be respected and schools should get parents permission to broach transgender issues with their children.
Optional questions
Q: What would you say is the top concern you’ve heard from voters as you’ve been campaigning, and what actions would you take to better that problem?
Property taxes.
Q: Please share a question we didn’t ask that you’d like your fellow candidates to answer. How would you respond?
Star bonds debt and future bonding authority limits caused by the recent legislation.
Q: Free space: Please share anything you’d like voters to know about you and your stances that we haven’t asked here.
I support expanding rail passenger service in Kansas.
Just for fun
Candidates were not required to answer any of these questions, but we wanted to give our readers a chance to get to know them a little better and have some fun with this.
Favorite color? Royal blue
Do you have any pets, and/or what’s your favorite animal? 2 cats Lucy and Charlotte, my favorite animal was my lab Buddy that I lost a few years ago.
What’s a fun fact our readers may not know about you? (Have a hidden talent? Interesting hobby?) I enjoy hiking, gardening, and being on the beach.
Favorite book, TV show and/or movie? Bible, The Office, Gladiator
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