Attorney’s medical issues delay jury trial for Lawrence teen charged with shooting his friend

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The jury trial originally scheduled to begin later this month in the first-degree murder case against Cir Allen Keith Glover was postponed Friday afternoon at the request of his attorney.

Defense attorney Michael Clarke asked for the delay in a motion filed Monday, citing his own medical issues.

During Friday’s hearing, Douglas County District Judge Stacey Donovan granted the motion and rescheduled the trial for May 5-9.

Glover, 19, was originally charged with second-degree murder in connection with the June 13 death of Isaiah Neal, 17, who was shot outside of his family’s townhome in the 2400 block of Alabama Street.

Isaiah Neal

In October, prosecutors upgraded the charge, and Glover pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder.

Donovan initially proposed an April date for the rescheduled trial, but Deputy District Attorney David Greenwald said prosecutors expect to be in court for the double murder trial of Rodney Marshall, which is scheduled for two weeks beginning March 31.

On Friday, Greenwald told the court the state had no objections to the delay.

Both Clarke and Donovan discussed the defendant’s right to a speedy trial, but Glover said he understood and waived his right in light of the current situation.

A final pretrial hearing is scheduled for April 18.

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Andrea Albright (she/her), reporter, can be reached at aalbright (at) lawrencekstimes (dot) com. Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.

Related coverage:

Attorney’s medical issues delay jury trial for Lawrence teen charged with shooting his friend

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The jury trial originally scheduled to begin later this month in the first-degree murder case against Cir Allen Keith Glover was postponed Friday afternoon at the request of his attorney.


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