Three days of Lawrence Arts Center events to spotlight newest exhibitions, showcase variety of art forms

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The Lawrence Arts Center will host several events this week to expand on its three newest exhibitions, which encompass themes of environmentalism, music, cultural representation and more.

The exhibitions, including “Off the Record” by Kerry Smith; “On Foot, Discovering the Trails and Parks of Lawrence” by Donna Paul; and “Itemized” by Elizabeth Morisette have been up since Sept. 16 and will remain open for viewing until Oct. 29. Events in Lawrence Thursday through Saturday this week will allow community members learning opportunities as well as chances to engage with artists of many forms.

Thursday, Sept. 29: Art Talk

The Arts Center from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29 will host an INSIGHT Art Talk with Fort Collins, Colorado-based fiber artist Elizabeth Morisette

Her outlook on the world is expressed through her art as she “uses the leftovers from our society and makes them into art using classical fiber techniques like basket making and weaving.” Centered on environmentalism, Morisette uses repurposed materials for her creations.

“The viewer is invited to remember a time, place, or person that they once knew. Bringing Art to the Community is also an important part of Morisette’s career,” the event page states.

Morisette’s exhibit, called “Itemized,” encourages viewers to value numbers and data as well as ask critical questions about social constructs. The artist talk is free to attend.

Friday, Sept. 30: Final Friday, Multimedia Performance

The Arts Center during Lawrence’s September Final Friday will host an official reception for all three exhibits, “Off the Record,” by Kerry Smith; “On Foot, Discovering the Trails and Parks of Lawrence” by Donna Paul; and “Itemized” by Morisette. The reception is from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30 at the Arts Center Gallery.

Additionally on Friday, the Arts Center will debut a multimedia, interactive art performance, called “Palimpsest III.” Choreographed by Tristian Griffin, the show weaves together the arts of dance, spoken word, music, and visual paint and sculptures in a way that each featured artist is able to share their experiences, according to the event page.

Palimpsest will make its return for a third installment at the Arts Center, after its previous showings at both the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri.

“Meaning ‘something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form,’ palimpsest describes the process of inhumane discrimination, the role of the oppressor, and the cultural costs towards its victims’ identities. Reflecting on African American and Native American histories, the production showcases how palimpsest is evident throughout history and still exists today,” according to the event page.

Audience members during the interactive show will participate in bringing Griffin’s visions to life.

Palimpsest III features the work of Ashleah England, dancer; Ava Farley, dancer; Kaitlyn Gardner, dancer; Laura Fiatte, dancer; Lauren Thompson, dancer; Max Nelson-Steinhoff, dancer; Regina Lombardo, dancer; Sarah Westbrook, dancer; Troy Gardner, dancer; David Pugh, digital media artist; Jerad Tomasino, music artist; Lee Langston, music artist; Maria the Mexican (Maria Cuevas), music artist; Pat Nichols & Chris Millspaugh, music artists; Philip Daniel, music artist; Jose Faus, poet; Poet t.l. sanders; Debbie Barrett-Jones, visual artist; and Molly Murphy, visual artist, according to the event page. The featured art photo is by Pugh.

Friday’s performance is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tickets, which cost $18 per person for students and $25 per person for adults, can be purchased at this link. Two more performances will follow on Saturday, and each showing will be unique in its own right, according to the event page.

Saturday, Oct. 1: Art Talk, Multimedia Performance

The Arts Center from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 1 will host another INSIGHT Art Talk, this time with artist Kerry Smith. Smith is an art director, graphic designer and painter whose artwork is showcased across the United States and Europe, according to the event page.

Smith’s exhibit, “Off the Record,” is a series, inspired by musical artist Beck’s 2015 Grammy Award for Best Album, that depicts record labels, ticket subs, setlists, journal pages and flyers, according to an event page. It merges his love for album art, graphic design and contemporary art altogether.

Attendance to the artist talk is free.

Additionally, multimedia performances of Palimpsest will continue Saturday, with performances scheduled for both 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at this link. They cost $18 for students and $25 for adults, though tickets for those attending the performance for a second or third time will be discounted at $10 per person, according to the ticket website.

Online ticket sales close one hour prior to the performance, but tickets can also be purchased in person by calling 785-843-2787 or by inquiring at the Arts Center’s front desk. 

Each event this week will be located at the Lawrence Arts Center Gallery, 940 New Hampshire St. To learn more about these events and ones to come, visit this link.

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Maya Hodison (she/her), equity reporter, can be reached at mhodison (at) lawrencekstimes (dot) com. Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.

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