Meet Codi:

It’s Cody! Meet Lawrence Times columnist Cody Charles
“I’ve chosen to spend my energy protecting, advocating for, loving on, breathing life into and creating possibility for quite frankly the most brilliant, the bravest, the baddest Blackest queerest people on earth,” Cody Charles writes.

Introducing Ask Cody, with Cody Charles (Column)
You have an opportunity to ask Cody interesting, weird and dynamic questions.
Questions Codi has answered:

Ask Codi, Pride Edition: Lawrence does not deserve Haus of McCoy, and it’s time to be honest about that (Column)
“I am incredibly tired, and I don’t know if I can survive the work of humanizing Black trans people in this climate, in this town and in this state,” Codi Keith Charles writes in this column.

Ask Codi: What does it mean to be a Jayhawk? (Column)
“Jayhawks must be honest and able to reckon with the world around us. How else are we supposed to become global citizens and changemakers?” Codi Keith Charles writes in this column.

Ask Codi: Death by alienation (Column)
“Is alienating a tactic used by folks in power to deflect the attention off of their unrighteous living?” Codi Keith Charles writes in this column.

Ask Cody: Queering intimacy (Column)
“Intimacy is often weaponized by power and not afforded to many divine Black humans,” Cody Charles writes in this column.

Ask Cody: Being an ‘accomplice’ does not mean centering your whiteness (Column)
“There is an expectation of immense labor for Black trans folks; and there are no thank-yous for the labor given and risk taken,” Cody Charles writes.

Ask Cody: Dear (white) Lawrence youth (Column)
“Dear (white) Lawrence youth: … We get to choose if we want to live in a community that hoards all of the resources and allows the deeply marginalized to die off,” Cody Charles writes in this column.

Ask Cody: Are you a boy or a girl? (Column)
This week’s question was not submitted through the Ask Cody account. It was asked in person, during one of the most important events of my life. “Are you a boy or a girl?”

Ask Cody: What made you stay in Lawrence, after everything?
Q: Dear Cody, what made you stay in Lawrence? After everything with your former employer and the current state of this community, why stay?

Ask Cody: What’s the first album you ever owned? (Column)
This week, Cody reflects on radio requests, their crushes on “90210,” and the songs they sang flamboyantly in their youth.

Ask Cody: Lessons learned, Lawrence, and still no action or change; what will it take? (Column)
“What does it look like if you believe Black trans folks the first time? Why do you need to be convinced that anti-Black racism and transphobia exist?” Cody writes.

Ask Cody: Listening to my body – My Black ass journey with anxiety (Column)
Cody shares 4 tips to help overcome anxiety and depression.

Ask Cody: Are your articles only for People of Color? (Column)
“When I answer questions, I attempt to center the most marginalized people — that way the answer applies to everyone, not just white folks,” Cody writes.

Ask Cody: Black children learn the truth from birth; white children must, too (Column)
Black parents raise their children from the very start of life to fear the power of white people. Black children learn about anti-Black racism from the moment they engage institutions. If Black children can handle the truth of our world, why can’t white children?

Ask Cody: Can you introduce your dog, Monét? (Column)
Q: Dear Cody, can you introduce your dog, Monét?
A: I thought you’d never ask!