Lawrence Tenants to host ‘From Imagination to Reality’ planning session

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The Lawrence Tenants group invites all local renters to an action meeting Thursday evening to work toward better conditions, more rights and more freedoms.

“Lawrence Tenants showed up to dream of a better world at our Imagination Session,” according to the event page, “From Imagination to Reality: Tenant Planning Session.”

“Now, let’s make those dreams come true. Join us for an action-oriented meeting where we’ll narrow down our goals and identify next steps to make housing fair, equitable, and affordable for all,” the page continues.

The meeting is set for 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 20 at Ecumenical Campus Ministries, 1204 Oread Ave.

Among goals identified in the group’s April 6 imagination session were freedom from intimidation, discrimination, surveillance, and bogus fees, plus the freedom to sublet, have pets and “make our spaces our own,” according to notes on the group’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

In addition, tenants want working facilities, a renewal time limit, to make it harder to evict people, the right to counsel in all cases, a standard lease, stable rent and inclusive screening, according to the notes.

The planning session is open to all tenants who are interested in improving housing conditions, and no experience or prior attendance is required. It is not intended for landlords or policymakers.

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