The Raven Book Store’s bestsellers for Oct. 10, 2023 (Sponsored post)

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Note from the Times: This bestseller list comes to us straight from The Raven Book Store in Lawrence. See other editions of the list here.

Welcome to the first Raven bestsellers of the fourth quarter of 2023! You know what that means: big Fall new release season is here.

Our customers sure know how to celebrate, seeing as a vast majority of this week’s bestsellers are new releases.

Keep celebrating the bookiest time of year with us from now until the holidays; small bookstores like us rely on a healthy fourth quarter to be able to do our thing year-round. If you need some guidance as to what’s on the horizon, you can always check out our books to preorder page. Thanks for the support!


1.     Erin Beaty, Silence and Shadow

2.     Heather Cox Richardson, Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America

3.     Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods

4.     Kristen Jokinen, Joy Ride: A Bike Odyssey from Alaska to Argentina

5.     David Grann, Killers of the Flower Moon

6.     Margie Carr, Kansas City’s Montgall Avenue: Black Leaders and the Street They Called Home

7.     Erin Beaty, Blood and Moonlight

8.     V E Schwab, Fragile Threads of Power

9.     Richard Osman, Last Devil to Die: A Thursday Murder Club Mystery

10.  Homer (translated by Emily Wilson), The Iliad

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