Lawrence school board approves 2024-25 budget
The Lawrence school board on Monday approved its 2024-25 budget, which will slightly increase the property tax rate.
The Lawrence school board on Monday approved its 2024-25 budget, which will slightly increase the property tax rate.
The Lawrence school board on Monday will invite the public to share thoughts on the district’s proposed budget, which would slightly increase the property tax rate.
Property taxes will slightly rise with the increase of the Lawrence school district’s mill levy this year, which the board initially approved Monday.
Lawrence school board members on Monday will vote on a maximum mill levy for this year’s budget that would increase property taxes.
The Lawrence school district has offered classified staff members 99-cent raises to their hourly wages as part of a tentative contract agreement.
For four years before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the gap between administrators’ salaries and teachers’ salaries in Lawrence Public Schools grew bigger and bigger. That trend has started reversing, but there’s still frustration about the gap.
As enrollment continues to decline, the Lawrence school district is considering ways to cut costs, such as hiring employees rather than outside contractors and using solar energy, according to a budget update the school board will receive Monday.
The Lawrence school board on Monday approved a budget that will increase property taxes and agreed to move forward with a solar energy project that staff said will pay off in the long term.
The Lawrence school board on Monday will vote on the district’s final 2023-24 budget, which would increase property taxes, and hear a proposal for a solar energy project.
Property taxes might increase as a result of the Lawrence school district’s increased mill levy, which the Lawrence school board gave initial approval Monday.
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