Lawrence school board to hold budget hearings

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The Lawrence school board on Monday will invite the public to share thoughts on the district’s proposed budget, which would slightly increase the property tax rate.

The district’s maximum budget for the 2024-25 year includes a tentative new mill levy of 52.252, which is a .042-mill increase over last year’s approved rate of 52.210. 

The increase is fairly small, but most property owners saw their assessed valuations increase significantly. The district’s total assessed valuation for the general fund has increased by about 6.7%. The board would have to lower the mill rate to keep taxes flat.

The budget calls for the maximum of 33% allowed under state statutes for the district’s local option budget.

The median value of a Lawrence home in 2022 was $247,300. Under the proposed budget, the owner of that home would pay the district about $1,245.66 in property taxes — $1 more than the previous year. But if that home’s value increased by the Douglas County average of 6.89%, to $264,339, the owner would pay the district $1,348 in property taxes — an increase of $102.

The board will meet starting at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9 at district offices, 110 McDonald Drive. The meeting will proceed straight to the public hearings on the budget.

After a few preliminary agenda items, the board will adjourn to two executive sessions, or closed-door meetings — one with possible action to follow and one with no action to follow.

The board will consider the budget for final approval after the executive sessions and consent agenda.

Meetings are open to the public, livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel,, and broadcast on Midco channel 26. Full meeting agendas are available on BoardDocs, via

To give public comment during the board meeting, sign up before the meeting starts either in person or by emailing Commenters may request to participate by Webex video/phone conferencing.

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