Lawrence school board budget work session set for Tuesday
The Lawrence school board is set to review district administrators’ latest cost-cutting suggestions during a special budget work session Tuesday.
The Lawrence school board is set to review district administrators’ latest cost-cutting suggestions during a special budget work session Tuesday.
Among the top 10 items Lawrence Public Schools administrators are prioritizing for budget cuts are gymnastics, first aid kits, and a restructuring of administrative staff.
The Lawrence school district plans to move forward with offering a public Montessori education at New York Elementary School, pending school board approval.
Two Lawrence Public Schools administrators will be leaving their posts at the end of June, the district announced Monday.
Lawrence school district staff members are working to find budget cut solutions, according to the superintendent’s Monday update to the school board, and a report indicates that budget woes likely won’t be offset by enrollment increases in the next few years.
A study from the Kansas Association of School Boards shows that of Kansas’ 18 largest districts by enrollment, Lawrence — with a K-12 enrollment of 11,150 and 20 central office administrators — has the third highest ratio, at 557.5 students per administrator.
A proposed budget cut for the Lawrence schools’ AVID program would mean that one instructor at each high school would teach all AVID elective sections and train other teachers in AVID strategies.
Lawrence school board members on Monday asked building leaders and administrators to provide them with a long list of potential budget cuts, prioritized by those least harmful to students, so they can make final decisions at their March 28 meeting.
The Lawrence school board is set for a special meeting on Monday to discuss cost-cutting proposals as the district faces a budget shortfall estimated between $3.2 and $3.85 million.
The Lawrence school board’s Monday meeting will begin with a 90-minute work session on the budget, then proceed to a regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
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