Carole Tomlinson, now a faculty member at Haskell Indian Nations University, submitted this 1978 photo to the Times of “the then KU Native American Student group (I can’t recall our official name at that time).”
The students shown in this photo gathered on the lawn of Watson Library.
“We erected a teepee (maybe 2 of them) early one Saturday morning and then stood in front for our photo,” Tomlinson said via email. “I have now forgotten the reason, but most, if not all, of us had graduated from Haskell Indian Junior College, as it was then known.
“That little boy is my son, Kasey Tomlinson, and I’m standing to his right.”
Students with KU’s First Nations Student Association this week raised a tipi on the lawn of Strong Hall, KU’s administrative building.
“History repeats itself,” Tomlinson writes.

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