The city has approved plans for a mural that will light up the side of Mass Street Music, 1347 Massachusetts St.
“Music and the prairie have been intertwined for many years. My mural proposal, which is also sure to garner compliments from visitors to the store, is of a Flint Hills sunset during a prairie burn,” artist Louis Copt wrote in his presentation to the city. “… I feel Mass Street Music is an appropriate place for a mural celebrating traditions of preservation and restoration of the Kansas Flint Hills.”
Copt told the Lawrence Cultural Arts Commission during its Oct. 13 meeting that he thought the building’s location, on the northwest corner of 14th and Massachusetts streets, would be ideal. People heading north into the heart of downtown Lawrence will be greeted by the mural.
Copt said plans include inviting students from Liberty Memorial Central Middle School and Bishop Seabury Academy to come observe work on the mural. LMCMS is just down the street from the mural, and people inside the school will be able to see it out the windows.
Copt will work with the assistance of muralists Isaac Tapia and Rico Alvarez. More examples of all of their work is included in Copt’s presentation to the LCAC.
The LCAC enthusiastically approved the 8-by-12-foot mural, their only concern that they would like it to be larger. The Lawrence City Commission approved the mural as part of its consent agenda Tuesday evening.
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