Letter to the Times: Vote ‘no’ to protect constitutional rights

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Note: The Lawrence Times runs opinion columns and letters to the Times written by community members with varying perspectives on local issues. These pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Times staff.

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We oppose the Kansas Constitutional Amendment that will be decided in the August 2nd primary election and encourage Kansans to vote “no”!  

The intentionally confusing language of the amendment states: “Because Kansans value both women and children, the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure the right to abortion.  To the extent permitted by the constitution of the United States, the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, laws that account for circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, or circumstances of necessity to save the life of the mother.”  

The amendment language implies that to vote “yes” will protect victims and women. It does not. Voting for this amendment will give away our rights guaranteed by the Kansas Constitution, as affirmed in 2019 by the Kansas Supreme Court. Voting for the amendment gives the Legislature the full power to regulate abortion. If the amendment passes, it will immediately trigger the Legislature to ban abortion and related health care. There is already a bill drafted to do so. 

Kansas already has highly restricted abortion care with no government funding, and that will continue if we vote “no.”

The League of Women Voters encourages all Kansas voters, including unaffiliated voters, to vote “no” on August 2nd.

— Carol Williamson and Lori Hutfles, co-presidents, League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County

Cast your ballot in the Aug. 2 election

You can quickly request an advance ballot to be mailed to you at KSVotes.org. The last day to request a mail ballot is July 26.

To see what’s on the ballot, visit this link. For information about voting early in person, visit this link. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 2.

* We are not election workers *

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More Community Voices:

August Rudisell/Lawrence Times

Max Kautsch: KBI history offers ample reasons for Kansans to scrutinize Marion raid investigation (Column)

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”The only reason the public learned what the KBI really knew about … who killed Nick Rice on the streets of Lawrence in 1970 was because those cases’ raw investigative files eventually saw the light of day,” Max Kautsch writes in this Kansas Reflector column.


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