Lawrence city commissioners on Tuesday will again consider a plan to build 14 duplex buildings in a green strip of land that neighbors say should not be developed.
The plan for Fall Creek Villas would place 28 units along Deerfield Creek near Kasold Drive and Tomahawk Drive in northwestern Lawrence, about two-thirds of a mile north of Sixth Street.
The red pin on the map indicates the approximate location of the development:
Numerous neighbors spoke against the plans at the Lawrence City Commission meeting on March 14.
Many of them shared concerns about the project’s proximity to the creek, the potential for erosion and how the project could affect stormwater runoff in the area. Others shared that they did not want to lose the green space where their kids can play and experience nature, nor destroy the home of wildlife in the area.
The site also has an average slope of 17%, according to documentation in the agenda item. However, Phil Struble, a representative of the property owners and developers, said the developers liked the slope because they could build upper and lower levels with walkouts.
Commissioners in March chose to defer their final vote on this project. They wanted more information, specifically in regard to the potential stormwater issues the neighbors mentioned.
The proposal would require approval from four out of five city commissioners because the Planning Commission in February voted 7-2 to recommend denial.
The city has pushed for more infill development — or building within existing neighborhoods and areas that are already set up for utilities — rather than continuing to expand city limits in order to build more housing. However, commissioners in October denied a plan for duplexes near 1100 Kasold Drive.
View this full agenda item at this link (large file; may be slow to load).

The Lawrence City Commission regular meeting will begin at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 11 at City Hall, 6 E. Sixth St. See the full meeting agenda at this link.
The commission accepts written public comment emailed to until noon the day of meetings. People may provide public comment in person at City Hall or via Zoom. Register for the Zoom meeting at this link.
Update, April 11, 2023: Lawrence City Commission denies plan for Fall Creek Villas duplex project
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Mackenzie Clark (she/her), reporter/founder of The Lawrence Times, can be reached at Read more of her work for the Times here. Check out her staff bio here.
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