A free app can help travelers in Kansas navigate detours and avoid areas of heavy traffic, show live camera views of highways, send alerts of poor weather and more.
The Kansas Department of Transportation’s KanDrive app was recently updated.
Among new features, drivers can receive notifications of snow, ice, fog, poor visibility, high wind speeds and more along their routes. Drivers have the option to use the app’s “Tell me” feature so they can keep their eyes on the road and get audio notifications.
KanDrive is now Alexa-compatible — so for instance, according to KDOT, “This new Alexa skill feature allows KanDrive users to ask Amazon Alexa about information along a route that KanDrive monitors just by using their voice. For example, users can say ‘Alexa, ask KanDrive what’s happening between Wichita and Topeka.'”
Though the feature isn’t new, the app includes traffic cameras to get a live look at highways on your route before you head out.

Another new feature enhances how detours are presented, according to KDOT. “If using the Trip Planner tool and construction is on the scheduled route, the route will automatically follow the KDOT approved detour.”
The app can also show locations of weather stations and their data, rest stops, milemarkers and more. With the latest update, it can display locations of oversized vehicles on U.S. 83 in Thomas, Logan, Scott and Finney counties, according to KDOT.

The app is available for download free on the App Store and Google Play.
You do not have to allow the app access to your location in order to see much of the information it has available.
KanDrive is also available online at KanDrive.gov. Read more about the app updates at this link.
Here are more of the layers that can be toggled on and off on the app:

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