Letters to The Lawrence Times are welcome and encouraged.
The Lawrence Times runs opinion columns and letters to the Times written by community members with varying perspectives on local issues. These pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Times staff.


Letter to the Times: Closing Broken Arrow would compound systemic issues
”(The Lawrence school board’s) vote to hold a hearing on closing Broken Arrow Elementary School is a great disappointment and a clear testament that the winds of prejudice are still blowing across the land,” a group of community members write in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: We can prevent more deaths of unhoused community members
”Those of us who care about Lawrence and who care about the state of our society must come together to help unhoused people,” Nancy Snow writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Legislators are exploring child care deregulation; here’s what the community should know
”Not only does SB 282 ignore the real factors contributing to the child care crisis in Kansas, but it also ignores the valuable investments state agencies and communities have made to overcome the root problems with our child care system,” Chavis Lickvar-Armstrong writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: How to propel the city of Lawrence on a downward spiral
“Want to propel the city of Lawrence on a downward spiral?” Tim Kelly begins this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Listen up, Lawrence school board
”We cannot see how the district proposal to close neighborhood schools, increase ideal class sizes, cut teacher plan time AND go to a four-day week equates to equitable student outcomes or invites great teachers to want to stay or work and Lawrence,” Erica Hunter writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Kansas is key to an endangered bird species’ future
”We sincerely believe that conserving wildlife such as (Lesser Prairie-Chickens) is not in opposition to a vibrant economy, and that the new guidelines will help to ensure that we do not lose this iconic species,” two local ornithologists write in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: City of Lawrence should say no to rec center fees
”Exercise is a cornerstone of good health, and we should not impose economic barriers to this fundamental need,” Steven Koprince writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Vote to retain state court judges
“Vote ‘yes’ to retain all of our judges so there are no judge vacancies for Schmidt to fill if he wins the governor’s race,” Amii Castle writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: ‘Independent as a hog on ice’
”Before I voted last week against Skeksis-like Kansas GOP powermongers, first I switched my party affiliation again: to Independent, where I belong,” A. Reed writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Start asking reps to take action on climate change (even Republicans!)
”I asked how often (U.S. Rep. Tracey) Mann’s offices heard from individuals about climate change. The answer: rarely,” Bailey Mareu writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Amend the Kansas Constitution?
”With (the constitutional amendment) on the ballot on Nov. 8, the Legislature wishes to be the final decider, checker, balancer,” Jack Klinknett writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Student debt relief is on hold, thanks in part to Derek Schmidt
“Why would Schmidt oppose helping millions of Americans be just a little better off? Because Schmidt favors big business over hardworking, middle-class folks,” Amii Castle writes in this letter to the Times.
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