At The Lawrence Times, we believe that community journalism is not just about providing traditional news coverage — it’s also about providing information that the people of this community need in order to live and thrive as informed citizens.
We are working to create collections of resources that we hope will be helpful to our readers in Lawrence and Douglas County, and perhaps even beyond.
The posts below are part of that effort, and this page aims to curate our most helpful articles in one place. It’s our “News you can use.”
Please be aware that some of these posts may have “shelf lives,” meaning they may pertain to limited-time sources of help. Even so, the posts that appear here should also contain information and links to resources that can be helpful anytime.


New city website shows burial sites of 64,000 people laid to rest in Lawrence cemeteries
The City of Lawrence has launched a new searchable database of burial records for Oak Hill, Memorial Park and Maple Grove cemeteries. People can also add information about the deceased.

Lawrence Music Alliance to kick off Music Business Month
The Lawrence Music Alliance has announced March as Music Business Month, a citywide initiative supporting local musicians, industry professionals and creatives through workshops, networking events and mentorship opportunities.

Court fees and traffic fines cost thousands of Kansans their licenses every year. A new law gives drivers some latitude
Advocates say Kansas laws have left thousands without legal means to drive — sometimes for years — just because they’re unable to pay fines. New reforms to suspended license rules have now gone into effect. Here’s what they mean for drivers.

Lawrence compost facility now to open for the season on March 8
Lawrence’s compost facility will now open for the season on Saturday, March 8, delayed a week by the relentless winter weather in the area.

Save the date: Lawrence compost facility soon to open for the season
As the sky prepares to drop another several inches of snow on the town, there is good news for those dreaming of warmer days in the garden. Lawrence’s compost facility will soon open for the season.

Douglas County to open applications for property tax rebates for seniors, disabled veterans
Douglas County has launched its pilot program to give older people and veterans with service-related disabilities a break on their property taxes. Here’s how to apply.

Douglas County offering 10-week program to help parents of teenagers
Douglas County Youth Services offers a free 10-week program for those seeking new skills and support while raising teenagers.

Lawrence Community Shelter, city prepare for winter weather; here’s where to go and how to help
With the possibility of severe weather looming, the Lawrence Community Shelter, city and volunteers are preparing to ensure everyone who needs a warm place to sleep will have one.

Driving through Kansas for the holidays? Free app can help navigate detours, send weather alerts
A free app from KDOT can help travelers in Kansas navigate detours and avoid areas of heavy traffic, show live camera views of highways, send alerts of poor weather and more.

Where to see holiday lights in Lawrence – 2024 edition
It’s a bit overdue, but we’re thrilled to present our 2024 festive map of holiday homes!

Lawrence closures, when parking is free and more info for Christmas and New Year’s
Here’s a quick glance at closures, service changes and more for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays in Lawrence.

Here are Lawrence restaurants that will be open on Christmas
We’ve reached out to more than 130 restaurants in Douglas County. Here are the ones that have confirmed they’ll be open on Christmas.

Lawrence drug and alcohol rehab’s founders hope to heal, build recovery culture
The founders of Avalon Wellness & Recovery plan to wrap up construction this winter and launch Lawrence’s only residential treatment center for men and women.

We’re launching a Lawrence Public Schools community network. Here’s how to join us
The Lawrence Times is launching a community network to help us better cover all things newsworthy within Lawrence Public Schools.

Snow hits Lawrence; city’s online map shows snow plow locations when they’re in use
Lawrence’s first snow of the season is falling Saturday morning, expected to end around noon. Here’s a reminder of how to find out where city snow plows are when they’re in use and how to check conditions before you hit the roads.

Holiday music in Lawrence: Where to hear the sounds of the season
The KU School of Music’s Vespers concert is celebrating a huge milestone: It’s turning 100 this year. That will be one of many opportunities coming up to hear the sounds of the holiday season in Lawrence.

Lawrence holiday markets: Where to shop for gifts that support local makers
Here are almost 20 Lawrence-area opportunities to shop local and support artists, farmers and small businesses this holiday season, starting with this weekend.

Clare’s Community Closet opening in new space in eastern Lawrence
A local organization that provides free clothing, care kits is moving into a new space and leaning on community collaboration.

Where to see Santa in Lawrence this holiday season
Here are some opportunities for naughty, nice, and four-legged friends alike to visit with Santa and get photos taken in Lawrence this year.

Douglas County District Court to launch Veterans Treatment Court
Douglas County District Court has received a $1 million federal grant to create a specialty court program that will aim to support veterans.

Voter registration has reopened in Kansas; here’s what you should know
Voter registration has reopened in Kansas following Tuesday’s election. That means voters can also update their registration if needed. Here’s what you should know.

How to cast your ballot on Election Day in Douglas County
Many important local and national offices will be decided in Tuesday’s election. Here’s how to cast your ballot on Election Day in Douglas County.

Ride Lawrence Transit buses fare-free for 2025
Riders will be able to get around on Lawrence Transit buses without paying a fare again for all of 2025.

How to cast your ballot on or before Election Day in Douglas County
The days are dwindling until Tuesday, Nov. 5, when many important local and national offices will be decided. Here’s how to cast your ballot early or on Election Day.