At The Lawrence Times, we believe that community journalism is not just about providing traditional news coverage — it’s also about providing information that the people of this community need in order to live and thrive as informed citizens.

We are working to create collections of resources that we hope will be helpful to our readers in Lawrence and Douglas County, and perhaps even beyond.


The posts below are part of that effort, and this page aims to curate our most helpful articles in one place. It’s our “News you can use.”

Please be aware that some of these posts may have “shelf lives,” meaning they may pertain to limited-time sources of help. Even so, the posts that appear here should also contain information and links to resources that can be helpful anytime.

Click here to access more community resources

Lawrence Delta-8 distributors commit to compliance after DA clarifies guidelines; proprietors offer tips to find reputable sources

Douglas County’s top prosecutor says her office has not yet issued any notices for violating laws regulating the sale of certain forms of THC products, and Lawrence business owners would like to keep it that way.
But some proprietors fear that “One or two of these people are going to ruin it for everyone else.”

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