The Lawrence Times is offering some space for area organizations and organizers to express their views, provide updates and attempt to reach other folks who might share their mission.
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Community Children’s Center: Early Childhood Family Resource Fair to return Saturday (Announcement)
“The CCC Early Childhood Family Resource Fair provides an excellent opportunity for parents, caregivers, and families with young children to learn about the various resources available to them in Lawrence,” Will Averill writes in this column for the Community Children’s Center.

Community Children’s Center: If only they came with a manual (Column)
”The longest drive of my life was the 30-minute drive with my wife and newborn son home from the hospital in Topeka. … They give you some basic instruction at the hospital, but after that, you’re on your own,” Will Averill writes in this column from the Community Children’s Center.

Lawrence Preservation Alliance: KU campus demolitions cause concern about preservation (Column)
“Recent actions by KU administrators have left many wondering how much the current KU leadership values historic buildings and landscapes on campus,” Lawrence Preservation Alliance leaders write in this column.

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence: Survivors must be allowed to make own health care decisions (Column)
“We know that the trauma and violence of sexual assault and domestic violence strike at the core of a victim’s ability to control their own life. … Regaining personal autonomy is fundamental to healing and survival,” KCSDV writes in this column.

Save Our Schools 497: Lawrence school district should move forward with a comprehensive plan (Column)
“Prior to any further discussion about school closures, we call on the school board to create a procedure for best practices when considering school closures and to adopt this procedure moving forward,” Save Our Schools 497 writes in this column.

#BeMoreLikeClaire: Power of collective generosity is helping Douglas County (Column)
“Over the past four years, through the power of collective generosity, #BeMoreLikeClaire has awarded more than $195,825 in grants to area nonprofits, with the vast majority located in Douglas County,” organization leaders write in this column.

Justice Matters: Join us at the Action Assembly to witness our collective power (Column)
“When we are united around addressing systemic issues of injustice, the impact is long-lasting and profound,” the co-presidents of Justice Matters write in this column.

Tonganoxie Community Historical Society: ‘Living Sovereignty’ exhibit on display this month (Announcement)
Members of the Tonganoxie Community Historical Society hosted an opening reception April 5 to celebrate a new exhibit, “Living Sovereignty,” and a standing-room-only crowd came to hear Judith Manthe, Principal Chief of the Wyandot Nation of Kansas, speak.

Lawrence Preservation Alliance: Schools that could face closures have rich histories (Column)
The board of directors of the Lawrence Preservation Alliance wishes to express concern about the school district’s proposed plans to close community schools, each of which has a rich history and resides in a historic building.

City Play Corps: Pop Up Play Shop opens in downtown Lawrence (Announcement)
“The City Play Corps, a nonprofit organization that promotes the practice of true play for kids, has opened up a temporary storefront dedicated to letting kids be kids by making their own fun,” the group writes in this announcement.