Lawrence police detective not injured but arrested on suspicion of DUI after crash
An off-duty Lawrence police officer was uninjured but was arrested shortly after midnight Saturday after allegedly crashing into a parked vehicle.
An off-duty Lawrence police officer was uninjured but was arrested shortly after midnight Saturday after allegedly crashing into a parked vehicle.
A woman was afraid to report that she had been raped by a Lawrence police officer when he gave her a ride home from the bars on New Year’s Day in 2017, according to allegations in court documents.
A judge on Tuesday bound a 25-year-old Texas man over for trial on a charge of raping a woman while she was too intoxicated to give consent, but the man’s defense attorney questions whether investigators collected evidence effectively to support the case.
Documents filed in the case of a former Lawrence police officer accused of raping a woman while on duty indicate that prosecutors are moving forward cautiously to protect both the woman and their case. Also, here’s how the man’s bond differs from most local sex crime cases.
A man accused of raping a 20-year-old woman while he was on duty as a Lawrence police officer was formally charged during a court appearance Tuesday afternoon.
Former Lawrence police officer Jonathan Gardner was arrested Friday on suspicion of more than two dozen criminal counts, including an alleged on-duty rape and two dozen counts of official misconduct and unlawful acts with computers.
Prosecutors have filed a new case against a former Lawrence police officer, David Shane Williams, this time including a felony. A misdemeanor case against Williams was dropped last year.
A Douglas County judge on Monday reinstated an order to seal the record of a Baldwin City police sergeant after acknowledging that the Kansas statute used to set it aside did not apply.
A judge in Lyon County on Monday granted a petition to expunge the record of a Baldwin City police sergeant who was acquitted of felony official misconduct and misdemeanor theft more than 10 years ago, but the order does not seal the records completely.
Updated article: A Douglas County judge who had initially granted the petition to expunge false impersonation charges from the record of a Baldwin City police sergeant reconsidered that decision Thursday, taking another pending expungement into account.
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