The Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging had a payroll protection loan forgiven, which left it with additional revenue.
On Wednesday, the agency presented Lawrence Habitat for Humanity $44,638 in grant funds in support of its Age in Place program in Douglas and Jefferson counties, according to Michele Dillon, Douglas and Jefferson county lead for JAAA.
Dillon provided the following information:
“The JAAA Board of Directors decided the appropriate way to utilize these funds is to provide grants to the local Habitat for Humanity agencies for use in their Age in Place programs that serve our three-county area of Shawnee, Jefferson, and Douglas Counties.
“The Age in Place program aligns perfectly with Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging’s mission of helping older adults live independent and dignified lives in the setting of their choice. Routine home maintenance and upkeep can be difficult for older adults due to physical and financial concerns. The Age in Place program through Habitat for Humanity helps older adult homeowners to make the repairs and modifications necessary to allow them to remain in their homes with comfort and dignity.
“Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging is excited and pleased to provide Habitat for Humanity’s Age in Place program with these grant funds to further their mission and work in the community.”

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