Letters to The Lawrence Times are welcome and encouraged.
The Lawrence Times runs opinion columns and letters to the Times written by community members with varying perspectives on local issues. These pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Times staff.


Letter to the Times: Strategic plan to address homelessness is a big first step
”As a community, we are just in the beginning stages with the proposed plan (to address homelessness). Now the next stage of work begins,” Caitlin McDiarmid and Judy Pope of Justice Matters write in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: A call for Lawrencians to come together to help our unsheltered neighbors during deadly weather
”No matter your opinion or stance on homelessness, I know without a doubt that the Lawrence community cares about keeping their neighbors alive,” Jenn Wolsey writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: A CNA’s plea for increased staffing standards in Kansas nursing homes
”Scarcity of staff has compelled facilities to deploy CNAs with minimal training and experience into situations where the safety net of an experienced colleague or nurse is glaringly absent,” Addison Stover writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Douglas County should encourage renewable energy
”Douglas County now has a draft Climate Action Plan, and kudos to the team that put it together! … However, there is one glaring omission: utility-scale renewable energy,” Joe Harrington writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Money and time could be better spent helping people
”Exactly where are the homeless supposed to go when the shelters are overflowing and their camps are disbanded? Many of our fellow neighbors and friends are just a paycheck or two away from joining them,” Diana Marcotte writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Lawrence is becoming unaffordable
”City utility rates have been escalating at an unsustainable rate over the last few years. … Rising utility rates impact all residents,” Rob Chestnut writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Utility-scale solar energy is an urgent need
”We encourage the planning commission to recommend the utility-scale solar Kansas Sky Energy Project to the Douglas County Commission,” writes Carol Williamson, president of the League of Women Voters of Lawrence-Douglas County.

Letter to the Times: Lawrence needs a long-term psychiatric unit
”I’m sure homeless services for the general public who fall on hard times are needed. Those services will not meet the needs of the severely mentally ill, nor will they serve the desires of the community at large,” Bill Simons writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Kansas elections are free, fair and safe
”Repeating lies doesn’t change them into truths. More civic engagement, not cynicism, is what democracy needs to survive,” Sonja Czarnecki writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Added barriers to self-determination
”I was just so surprised that the distinguished professor lecture on barriers and self-determination will not be available by Zoom or webinar or as audio,” Juanita Carlson writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: Turning neighborhoods into marketplaces without children
”There is a long-term financial advantage for cities to stabilize their modest housing stock and the infrastructure which already exists by utilizing district overlays that provide a level playing field for working families to buy into the market and become long-term residents,” Deborah Snyder writes in this letter to the Times.

Letter to the Times: City of Lawrence should take caution when considering zoning changes
“Careful planning decisions must be made to allow for a proper balance of living opportunities that promote healthy, safe and affordable neighborhoods,” Candice Davis writes in this letter to the Times.
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