Letters to The Lawrence Times are welcome and encouraged.
The Lawrence Times runs opinion columns and letters to the Times written by community members with varying perspectives on local issues. These pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Times staff.
Letter to the Times: ‘Independent as a hog on ice’
”Before I voted last week against Skeksis-like Kansas GOP powermongers, first I switched my party affiliation again: to Independent, where I belong,” A. Reed writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Start asking reps to take action on climate change (even Republicans!)
”I asked how often (U.S. Rep. Tracey) Mann’s offices heard from individuals about climate change. The answer: rarely,” Bailey Mareu writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Amend the Kansas Constitution?
”With (the constitutional amendment) on the ballot on Nov. 8, the Legislature wishes to be the final decider, checker, balancer,” Jack Klinknett writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Student debt relief is on hold, thanks in part to Derek Schmidt
“Why would Schmidt oppose helping millions of Americans be just a little better off? Because Schmidt favors big business over hardworking, middle-class folks,” Amii Castle writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Trump is not the problem
”This is no ordinary election in which we vote based on our judgment about the policies of the different candidates. This election is about the long-term survival of our democracy,” Thomas Weiss writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Get informed and vote on Nov. 8
“Does your local, state, and national government represent you? In the Nov. 8 election, you can tell officials ‘good job’ and vote to reelect them or elect someone else you feel would do a better job of making our representative democracy serve the people,” Carol Williamson writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Douglas County should have 5 commissioners
”Adding two more commissioners has a lot of major advantages, and it’s way past time for Douglas County to move forward as so many other counties have done in recent years,” Steven Crane writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Not very nice to most Kansans
“’Senator Jerry Moran is a nice guy,’ they say. … But when you look at Moran’s voting record since he has been our U.S. senator, he’s actually not been very nice to most Kansans,” Amii Castle writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Kansas’ own million dollar man
”In Kansas, we don’t have a six million dollar man, but we do have our own 1.9 million dollar man. In his case, the millions of dollars represents how much Kansas taxpayers had to pay for his misguided and faulty legal work as secretary of state,” Thomas Weiss writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Walk to End Alzheimer’s funds critical support, research
”This fall, the changing colors hold a whole new meaning for me,” Kimberly J. Luce writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: The ‘sheriff’ amendment — I’ll be voting no, but probably not why you think
”Passing this amendment would take power from local district attorneys to initiate a proceeding to ouster a naughty sheriff and would concentrate that power in one person — the state’s attorney general,” Amii Castle writes in this letter to the Times.
Letter to the Times: Thanks to those who gave blood
”As blood drive coordinator and supervisor of the blood bank at LMH Health, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Lawrence community for donating a total of 179 units of blood over two days last week at the LMH blood drives,” Faith Friesen writes in this letter to the Times.
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