Public safety

MORe Public Safety

Click here for the Lawrence police blotter — new log uploaded each day around 1 p.m.

Ryan Waggoner

KU’s First Nations Student Association shares ‘absolute indignation’ after Indigenous art vandalized on campus

Leaders of the University of Kansas First Nations Student Association were reeling Friday night, nearly a week after multiple pieces of the KU Common Work of Art were vandalized — not only because of the destruction of the Native exhibit, but because they feel the situation hasn’t garnered enough attention from KU administrators.

Shannon Wells, Lawrence Humane Society / Contributed Photo

Dog who was stabbed and whose owner was killed is recovering, ‘supervising’ at Lawrence Humane Society

Bear’s slightly scruffy, mostly-black fur is tinged with gray around his nose and paws. His big brown eyes might not appear quite as sad if we didn’t know what he had been through in the past couple of days. But we know that Wednesday morning, Bear was stabbed and went into shock.